Роль: Подписчик
На сайте с 17.11.2023
Сайт: https://pinoytracking.com/
Последний визит: 17 ноября 2023 14:21

О себе:

About Pinoytracking: Pinoytracking.com is a prominent parcel tracking platform in the Philippines that has been delivering reliable and thorough tracking updates since 2023. Our goal is to become the preferred tracking platform for all Filipinos, regardless of the location of their parcels.
We are committed to simplifying the tracking process for our users by utilizing cutting-edge technology and maintaining a strong focus on customer satisfaction.
Our company, GiaoHangTotNhat, began as a speedy delivery service with our website, GiaoHangTotNhat.VN. Over the years, we have undergone significant changes in both our brand identity and corporate structure.
Between 2017 and 2021, we operated under the name Best Express District 7, HCMC, Vietnam – GiaoHangTotNhat.VN, with NECTAR as our legal entity. This period was crucial in establishing a strong local presence in the logistics industry. Then, from 2021 to 2023, we transitioned to Best Express GiaoHangTotNhat – Thu Duc Branch, under the legal entity of Gia Nguyen Company. This move allowed us to expand our reach and improve our services.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, we launched Pinoytracking.com as a member of the GiaoHangTotNhat.vn group, specifically catering to the tracking needs of customers in the Philippines. This strategic expansion aimed to strengthen our international presence and provide Filipinos with a tailored and superior parcel tracking service.

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Однако в настоящее время, общеизвестно, что это только миф. Тем не менее ходят слухи, что «тайные знания» в той или иной форме публикуются на сайте, в потоке обычных новостей.
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